For mobile unit operators, caterers, and temporary vendors this commissary agreement must be completed and signed by the commissary owner before you will be approved to use the commissary.
You will be asked to upload the following required documents:
This commissary agreement is valid for the current calendar year only.
Todays Date
I hereby give permission to the Mobile Unit/ Pushcart/ Temporary Vendor Business listed above to use my kitchen facilities to perform the following (check all that apply):
Commissary Water Supply
Commissary Sanitary Sewer Service
Please indicate the equipment available at the commissary for the proposed uses: (check all that apply)
The following documents are required:
and/ or
Failure to upload authentic documents could result in a notice of violation and potential fines and closure. Eagle County will contact commissary/ water owners at their discretion to confirm authenticity of uploaded documents.
File upload: Fresh water supply and waste water disposal agreement and/ or Lease or contractual agreement from commissary owner
Important Things to Remember:
The commissary facility must be acceptable for the food volume and preparation methods used and have the necessary equipment and storage capabilities for the operation.
The commissary must be constructed and operated in compliance with the current requirements of the Colorado Retail Food Establishment Rules and Regulations.
A facility inspection of the commissary by Eagle County Public Health & Environment may be required prior to use by the operator to determine if it is adequate for the intended use.
Mobile units must report to the commissary every 24 hours on operational days for all supplies and cleaning and servicing operations.
The use of a licensed facility by an unlicensed operation may put the licensed facility operator’s license in jeopardy
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